Not the Eye Beams, not touching the boss, not falling from the top floor. By hacking the game it is possible to deplete the entire HP bar using only axes, but the Grinning Colossus still won't die. Healing Factor: The Grinning Colossus will take damage from your axes, but regenerates faster than you can keep up damage.
Hammerspace: You can pull billions of axes out of nowhere in sequence.Gratuitous Panning: In the end credits.Girly Run: The protagonist moves this way.Ghost Butler: A wall appears at the end of the tunnel as soon as you enter the Boss Room.Gameplay and Story Segregation: For some reason, you cannot simply cut the rope with the infinite axes the player character carries around.Your character is also invincible, meaning the boss cannot harm them. Foregone Victory: Defeating the colossus is the only thing to do in the game in the first place.Foregone Conclusion: The very title already gives away that the protagonist defeats the Grinning Colossus by burning the rope.Floating Platforms: You have to go across some of these in order to get to the rope that must be burned.Flechette Storm: The main character can do this if you type fast enough.Falling Chandelier of Doom: What happens when you burn the rope.Eye Beams: The Grinning Colossus's signature attack.Then it asks you So What Do We Do Now? that you beat the game. It doesn't explain anything rather, it just reviews the entirety of the game. Expository Theme Tune: A rather strange version of this is seen in "Now You're a Hero," the end credits song.Excuse Plot: Taken to the point that there barely even is a plot.Exact Words: You have to burn the rope, you can't cut it with your axes.Exactly What It Says on the Tin: The title of the game is also the goal of the game.Easter Egg: After you read the instructions, right-click.Developers' Foresight: You actually can deplete the boss's health with the axes through a hack, but the game will still keep the boss alive.